Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Religious Education Search Committee

The Religious Education Search Committee is off and running, working to create a job description for a new director of faith development. We invite you to voice your thoughts and ideas about faith development programming for people of all ages, from children to adults. Please join us:

During coffee hour on Sunday, November 28 and Sunday, December 5th, when we will put up written ideas about faith development in our congregation, drafts of potential job descriptions and staffing patterns, and next steps in the search process in the Bancroft room for you to read and share your ideas on them.

• Sunday, November 28, for a group discussion in the Chapel, beginning at noon.

• Anytime, by talking with members of the committee individually. We are:
o Amy Borg
o Cindy Cordova
o Joonu Coste
o Cassie Datena
o Laura Kirshenbaum
o Jay Lavelle
o Kaitie Mandile
o Seth Popinchalk

Our goal is to write a job description in December, and to begin advertising the position in January. Please share your ideas and thoughts with us as we work together to create a job description to fill this very important position at First Unitarian.