Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter Gala 2012

Winter Gala 2012, “Wish Upon A Star-BELIEVE” was a great success. It netted about $3,000. 

 The Bancroft Room and Dining Hall were transformed with sparkling star decorations and twinkling mini lights. Star mobiles, partially made by Hogwarts Summer Campers and some UU Sisterhood members, dazzled. A multi-pointed star (made by Kate Popinchalk) “shot over” the Chairperson and chef, Linda Chatalian Wyatt’s long middle table signaling it was “time to eat”. 

Guests enjoyed mingling during the cocktail hour to the piano music of Nat Needle. After dinner, guests danced fervently to the country rock music of Cosmic Slim and His Intergalactic Plowboys. The teen wait staff also rock-and-rolled. Lee Reid and Steve Knox, Kate O’Dell and Paul Kelly were magnificent dancers. Kris Johnson smoothly led polkas.

Many people contributed to make it an enchanting night. We appreciate seats donated by Warren Laroche, Michael Ennis and Anita Kostecki, John and Diane Mirick, Tom and Sue Schade, and Will Sherwood. Thank you to all who attended and special gratitude to the following people.
Committee Members: Linda Chatalian Wyatt, Chair; Lee Bona, Scott Hayman, Seth Popinchalk
Office Staff (Reservations, Newsletter Announcements, Consultation, and miscellaneous): Barbara Foley, Donna Rossio
The Chefs: Linda Carney, Linda Chatalian Wyatt, Gene and Gini Johnson, Mary McAlister, Kate O’Dell, Alison Ronn, and David Spanagel. (Jay Lavelle could not cook due to illness.) Thanks to people who assisted the chefs in some capacity, such as, Vivian Shortreed, Wendy Innis, Matthew Ronn, Becky Spanagel, Paul Kelly, John Roemer, and Phil Nigro.
Bakers—Pat Curtis, Diane Mandile
Bartender—Seth Popincalk
Wait Staff: Alana Chatalian Wyatt, Maddie Hayman, Amelia McCarthy, Mia Roemer, Hannah Ennis, and Aria Jordan
Kitchen Crew: Sue Shaw, Bob Shaw
Decorations and Set-up: Hogwarts Summer Campers, UU Sisterhood members, Abigail Hannaford-Ricardi, Kris Johnson, Diane Mandile, Seth Popinchalk, Kate Popinchalk, Iran Colon, Alivia Colon, and Aryanna Francisco
Musicians: Nat Needle, (piano music for cocktail hour); Cosmic Slim and His Intergalactic Plowboys, featured band, (Bill Fischer, Rick Levine, Sten Gustavson, congregant; Rick McCarthy, congregant; Phil Nigro, congregant, Todd Benson (substitute); and their sound coordinator, Chuck Demers
Clean-up Crew: Liz Gustavson, chefs, wait staff, various other volunteers
Children’s Pinocchio Pajama Party: Rhye Gray, Jessica Gray, Olivia Mandile, Diana Colon, and Lesa McWalters