Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Wheel of Life March 20, 2010
Our deepest sympathy goes to the family of Francis H. (Chuck) Dewey who died on March 12, 2010. A memorial service was held at First Unitarian on March 16, 2010.
225th Anniversary News - March 20, 2010

Sunday we celebrate the 225th anniversary of this church…you don’t want to miss this service! On the one hand it will be a bit of dramatic “living history” and on the other, an occasion to seriously appreciate the “living body” of our congregation. Diane Mirick and her merry crew will have put together a festive coffee hour that will keep us in a happy spirit.
Bob Shaw, architect and chair of the church Building and Grounds Committee, will give an architectural tour of the church building on Sunday, March 28. Bob wrote a chronological history of the church building, which waserected in 1828. He has pieced together a timeline of the building and knows many curious* and interesting facts about the changes over the years. *C1850 “It did not appear that the building was heated, but a decorative opening in the ceiling seemed to aid ventilation in hot weather.” Question: was 1930 the last year the church kitchen was renovated? Bob should know the answer! NOTE: Bob will give another tour of the church on Sunday, April 11.
Rev. Kring, minister at First Unitarian from 1946-1955 was also a world famous artist and potter. He formulated a special pottery glaze which is still used today and which was named for him. The Worcester Art Museum has purchased some of his work. Rev Kring was instrumental in helping found the Worcester Center for Crafts. We at First U are pleased that he decided to leave many pieces of his pottery to the church. Barry Morgan will be on hand to show you Rev Kring’s work and to answer questions.
We thank our Sunday school children for making the bright and beautiful banners hanging in the Sanctuary. They are celebrating the church’s anniversary with their festive and joyful gift of art. Religious Education Director Sierra-Marie reports that they enjoyed thinking and talking about how Worcester and the church may have looked long ago. They wondered what it would have been like to be children in 1785. The children decided that having a chalice on one of the banners was very important, and that they wanted their handprints in a pattern that moves into the chalice. How amazing and inspirational!
During the month March, as we celebrate 225 years as a congregation, let’s honor the event with donations of needed items for women and children at Abby’s House. Please put your donations in the big blue bin in the Bancroft Room.
Here is what is needed: new towels, new washcloths, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, small bottles of lotion, shampoo, combs, small notebooks, pens, small cosmetic bags, children’s books, facial care products, small toys, hats, gloves and mittens. Worcester bus passes, gift cards for CVS, Price Chopper, Walgreens ARE ESPECIALLY APPRECIATED. (If you give a gift card, please hand it to a UUSister. They wear nametags with colored ribbons on them.)
On Sunday, March 28 we will package everything and deliver it to Abby’s House.
Be sure to view the church’s famous history panels which are set up in the dining room area. A new 13th panel has been added to bring the church history up to date. The panels give a unique visual history beginning in 1785…of our church, of Worcester and of some national history as well. Bill Densmore was the chief organizer of this project. Enjoy this original look at who we are, where we come from and who we are today.
Be sure to pick up a copy of the church’s new history BOOKLET written by Bunny Guerrin. Copies are available after worship or you can get it on-line through the church newsletter. We are asking a $1 donation to help defray publication costs. Enjoy!
March 21
Celebration Sunday - the worship service will be dramatically different, followed by a splendid Coffee Hour birthday celebration.
March 28
Bob Shaw will give an architectural tour of the church building.
Rev. Kring’s pottery on display
Abby’s House project wind-up.
April 11
Bob Shaw gives another architectural tour of the church.
April 12
Monday Night at the Church – Ellen O’Neall-Waite gives a historic performance.
April 18
Sunday School Time-Capsule.
April 25
Religion in Our Times (after worship) – Ellen O’Neall-Waite gives a repeat performance.
May 1
Dance & Party for adults in Unity Hall with live music (NOTE: the date of the dance may change – stay tuned for updates!)
The Church Gardens

The church gardens and gardeners awake!
On March 28, at 11:45 a.m., the Garden Committee will gather to share ideas for 2010 in our church gardens. The committee has perennial members, and annual members, and is always open to newcomers who would like to serve the church by helping with garden tasks. We want to consider another Green Exchange plant sale, decide what needs or wants doing, and figure how to do it, in our several beautiful gardens which beautify North Main St. Questions? Call the churh office (508) 757-2708 for contact info.
On March 28, at 11:45 a.m., the Garden Committee will gather to share ideas for 2010 in our church gardens. The committee has perennial members, and annual members, and is always open to newcomers who would like to serve the church by helping with garden tasks. We want to consider another Green Exchange plant sale, decide what needs or wants doing, and figure how to do it, in our several beautiful gardens which beautify North Main St. Questions? Call the churh office (508) 757-2708 for contact info.
Vision Conversation with Rev. Schade
The Future Ministries Task Force would like to invite members of the congregation to Religion in Our Times in the Chapel on Sunday, March 28 at 12:00 p.m. Reverend Tom Schade will be sharing his vision for First Unitarian through 2015.
If you are unable to attend this session please consider joining us at one or more of the following:
April 5, 2010 – Monday Night at the Church Vision conversation with Tom Schade
April 11, 2010- Religion in Our Times Listening session hosted by the Task Force
If you are unable to attend this session please consider joining us at one or more of the following:
April 5, 2010 – Monday Night at the Church Vision conversation with Tom Schade
April 11, 2010- Religion in Our Times Listening session hosted by the Task Force
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