Summer Garden Tours
July & August 2017
Sunday tours of church members' and friends' gardens are back! The tours will be 4 to 6 pm, when gardens aren't quite too wilted, should be really lovely and a nice chance for community. They'll occur any week it isn't storming. Questions? Email Mary McAlister at or Kris Johnson at
Sunday, July 2- HOLIDAY Weekend.- no Garden Tour.
Sunday, July 9 - Jim Dolan. 769 Grove St., Worcester. From church take Harvard St. past the Art Museum, turn left briefly on Salisbury St. and then first right onto Grove. It winds around past Indian Lake and becomes Rt. 122A. 769 is almost in Holden directly in front of the St. Peter's-Marian High School.
Sunday, July 16 – - James and Linda Tartaglia, 6 Old Colony Road, Worcester. From
church, turn right onto State St. then turn right onto Harvard St. Continue
onto Tuckerman St. and turn left onto Salisbury St. Old Colony Road is a right
off Salisbury St. (heading west) about 3 blocks BEFORE Flagg Street.
Sunday, July 23 -Randy Bloom, 2 Congress St., Worcester. From church turn right onto Main St. through downtown to right onto Pleasant St. before City Hall. At top of hill before gas station turn left onto Crown St. (sign missing) and then right onto Congress St. Please Carpool - limited on-street parking.
Sunday July 30 - Diane and John Mirick,
160 Mirick Rd, Princeton. From church get to Lincoln Sq. and take 290 East
briefly to 190 North. Take exit 5 and turn left onto Rt. 140. Follow winding
country road to blinking light and turn left onto Rt. 62 and later right into
Rt. 31 (before Princeton Ctr.) Go past Merriam Rd. to 2nd left onto
Mirick. Go approx. 1.5 miles, past Beaman Rd. and uphill to house with big red
barn on left. Park by barn.
Sunday, August 6 - Sten and Liz Gustavson, 82 Uncatena Ave., Worcester. From Church take Lincoln St. and onto Burncoat where it forks to left. Cross 290, pass Burncoat schools to light by convenience store: turn right. Uncatena will be a left a little way downhill, #82 is on left just after you turn.
Sunday, August 13 – Ken Lundquist and Elizabeth Mullaney, #5 & #7 Congress Street, Worcester. From church turn right onto Main St. through downtown to right onto Pleasant St. before City Hall. At top of hill before gas station turn left onto Crown St. (sign missing) and then right onto Congress St. Please Carpool - limited on-street parking.
Sunday, August 20 - Peter Haroutian, 676 Pleasant St.. Worcester. From church take Highland St. across Park Ave. to Newton Square rotary, entering at 6 on a clock face and exiting at 9 onto Pleasant St., past tennis courts to house with enormous tree opposite last court.
Sunday August 27 - 4-6pm at the Engvalls, 22 Vincent Avenue, Worcester. A lovely cottage and gardened slopes complete with bee hives and chickens. Directions from Church: Right up State St., Right for 1 block to Left onto Highland. St. Then Left onto Park Ave. Go almost to Webster Sq. and turn Left onto Lovell St. by Coes Sq. triangle. Later at traffic circle take 2nd exit onto Ferdinand St., then Left onto Circuit Ave. Then a Right onto Cabot St. briefly and Right onto Vincent Ave.
Adjunct Garden Tour Saturday, August 12, 1-4 pm Sherwood-Bershad Residence, SterlingRain Date: Sunday, August 13, 1-4 pmFundraiser for First Unitarian Encore (Music) Fund (Suggested donation $5)

Floral Symphony in four movements
Organic Obbligatos (orchard)
Perennial Ballads (mature perennial gardens)
Chromatic Cultivars (classical chamber music outside in gardens)
Performing: Alesia Tringale, soprano; Madeline Browning,
flute&recorder; Anthony Ho, recorder; Jerry Bellows, recorder; Patrick
Chatham, cello; Will Sherwood, harpsichord. Special guest appearance at 1:30 pm – Internationally acclaimed organist Peter
Krasinski – performing Elgar’s Enigma Variations on the pipe organ
information and RSVP: