Many of us begin the church year with a weekend of retreat and
reflection at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine (
The weekend is very family-friendly and affordable. We join together
with friends from the Holden Street church for beach walks, volleyball,
time to rest, a talent show, and even a campfire! Mark your calendars
now and look for more information about this event in the near future.
(Last year was the first time we were not responsible for all food
preparation, and we found it even more fun and relaxing!)
~Shannon & Laura Kirshenbaum (Ferry Beach Co-Chairs)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Candlelighting March 28, 2010
The Second Parish of Worcester has called 90 Main Street home since construction started in 1828. For the last 182 years we have survived two major fires and a hurricane. There have been additions and renovations to make it the building we worship in today.
I light this candle for all the men, women and children who have designed, built, repaired, renovated, maintained, scraped, patched, painted, adjusted, polished, cleaned, mopped, dusted, planted, fertilized, mowed, trimmed, cared for our many organs, changed light bulbs, answered security alarms, raised capital campaign funds, tried to understand the mysteries of water leaks and for those who worried whether our boiler would fire up on Sunday morning.
Bob Shaw
I light this candle for all the men, women and children who have designed, built, repaired, renovated, maintained, scraped, patched, painted, adjusted, polished, cleaned, mopped, dusted, planted, fertilized, mowed, trimmed, cared for our many organs, changed light bulbs, answered security alarms, raised capital campaign funds, tried to understand the mysteries of water leaks and for those who worried whether our boiler would fire up on Sunday morning.
Bob Shaw
Future Ministries Task Force April Meetings
Mondays 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Standing meeting in Mirick 1 except for 3rd Mondays then Booth classroom.
April 2, 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Listening Session with members of the Task Force and the UU Sisterhood.
April 5, 7:00 p.m. Monday Night at the Church in the Chapel.
Vision Conversation with Tom Schade.
April 11, 12:00 noon Religion In Our Times in the Chapel.
Listening Session with members of the Task Force.
April 19, 7:30 p.m. Monday Night at the Church in the Chapel.
Listening Session with members of the Task Force.
Standing meeting in Mirick 1 except for 3rd Mondays then Booth classroom.
April 2, 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Listening Session with members of the Task Force and the UU Sisterhood.
April 5, 7:00 p.m. Monday Night at the Church in the Chapel.
Vision Conversation with Tom Schade.
April 11, 12:00 noon Religion In Our Times in the Chapel.
Listening Session with members of the Task Force.
April 19, 7:30 p.m. Monday Night at the Church in the Chapel.
Listening Session with members of the Task Force.
Wheel of Life April 3, 2010
Our deepest sympathy to Barry and Lisa Siciliano. Barry's mother, Madeleine E. Siciliano died March 25th at the age of 83.
225th Anniversary News - April 3, 2010

Bob Shaw, architect and chair of the church Building and Grounds Committee, will give an architectural tour of the church building on Sunday, March 28. Bob wrote a chronological history of the church building, which has erected in 1828. He has pieced together a timeline of the building and knows many curious* and interesting facts about the changes over the years. *C1850 “It did not appear that the building was heated, but a decorative opening in the ceiling seemed to aid ventilation in hot weather.” Question: was 1930 the last year the church kitchen was renovated? Meet Bob at noon in the Sanctuary.
Mark your calendars for Monday, April 12 at 7:15 PM. You will not want to miss Ellen O’Neall-Waite’s performance. Ellen is an amazingly talented actress, writer, vocalist and all-around entertainer. She will present a one-woman performance focused on an historic figure associated with the church. Bring the whole family and plan to be entertained and enlightened. She will repeat the performance on Sunday, April 25 after worship.
It’s time to party! Save Saturday, May 8 at 7 PM and show up in Unity Hall with your party face and dancing shoes on. If you don’t dance, come to enjoy Sten Gustavson and his band play popular favorites and spend time socializing with your church friends…and invite your non-church friends too. This is an adults-only party and costs $5 per person.
Thank you to all who have so generously donated items to Abby’s House as a gift to the church.
Be sure to view the church’s famous history panels which are set up in the dining room area. A new 13th panel has been added to bring the church history up to date. The panels give a unique visual history beginning in 1785…of our church, of Worcester and of some national history as well. Bill Densmore was the chief organizer of this project. Enjoy this original look at who we are, where we come from and who we are today.
Be sure to pick up a copy of the church’s new history booklet written by Bunny Guerrin.
Copies are available after worship or you can get it on-line through the church newsletter. We are asking a $1 donation to help defray publication costs. Enjoy!
April 11
Bob Shaw gives an architectural tour of the church. Meet Bob at noon in the Sanctuary.
April 12
Monday Night at the Church – Ellen O’Neall-Waite gives a historic performance.
April 18
Sunday School Time-Capsule.
April 25
Religion in Our Times (after worship) – Ellen O’Neall-Waite gives a repeat performance.
May 8
Dance & Party for adults in Unity Hall with live music.
You Are Invited to the 25th Anniversary of the Music Ministry of Will Sherwood

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Morning Service at 10:20 am
Morning Service at 10:20 am
Light Lunch at Noon
Festival Concert at 1:30 pm
Reception Following
A festival concert celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Will Sherwood as Director of Music/Organist at First Unitarian, Worcester, will be held Sunday, April 18 at 1:30 pm at 1st U, 90 Main St, Worcester, free and open to the public. Especially featured will be the rarely performed Kodaly: Laudes Organi (In Praise of the Pipe Organ), as well as choral works by Sherwood and Widor, and organ works by Bach and Durufle. A reception will be held following. A celebration church service will be held that morning at 10:20am. For detailed information & directions, visit or call 508.797.2708
10:20 am Morning Service
1st U Festival Choir, Brian Jones, guest Organist/Director
1st U Festival Choir, Brian Jones, guest Organist/Director
Stanley Wilson, tenor
Becky Spanagel, piano
Toccata & Fugue in F Major BWV 540 J. S. Bach
Hymn: "Give Thanks for Music-making Art" Tune: Chartier (William E. Nierintz, ChM., 1995)
(Fanfares, Descants: W. Sherwood)
Why Is There Always Music In This House - Sherwood (composed for the occasion of Rev. Barbara Merritt's 25 years of ministry at First Unitarian on September 14, 2008.)
This Little Light of Mine - arr. Moses Hogan
The Battle of Jericho - Moses Hogan
Let the People Praise Thee O God - William MathiasO Fortuna from Carmina Burana - Carl Orff
Final from Symphony 1 - Louis Vierne
1:30 pm Festival Concert
1st U Festival Choir, Will Sherwood organist/director; Brett Maguire guest organist
1st U Festival Choir, Will Sherwood organist/director; Brett Maguire guest organist
Fantasia & Fugue in g minor (the "Great") BWV 542 - J. S. Bach
Kyrie from Mass Op. 36 - Charles Marie Widor
Fantasie (piano concerto) - Clifford Demarest
Laudes Organi - Zoltan Kodaly
Lo How a Rose - W. Sherwood
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly - W. Sherwood
When Field and Woods Agree - W. Sherwood
Love Shall Go Out - W. Sherwood (text by Richard F. Jones)
Prelude & Fugue on the Name of Alain - Maurice Durufle
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