Greetings dear friends! Ever wish for a more substantial
“coffee hour” spread before you’re off to that great afternoon workshop or
meeting here at the church? Kids starving so you can’t stay and chat?
What if … what if we feed each other lunch every month? We
have done this several times thus far, and the outcome has been great!
We started with a bang for the In Gathering Sunday and we will
again be hosting for the upcoming Sunday of October 19, 2014. We have our
designated team for that date, but need upcoming teammates for the dates in the
months ahead.
Now wait, I know what you’re thinking. You are groaning:
“No! Not another thing for me to do, please, I am already out straight.
You are going to ask me to volunteer and I don’t want to!”
I’d like to share with you one idea about lunch. Please
contact me with your ideas too! Deborah Veroneau, 508-410-7630, Please know that I
respond best to voicemails at the present time and within 48 -72 hours to
What if… what if someone you know and like from the church
invited you onto his or her “team”? Your team consists of about a
dozen people. On the day you signed up for you come to church
early, 9 AM, because you love your teammates and you are honored to play
with them in the kitchen. Your team leader is kind and enthusiastic and
has shopped and planned the meal. You just have to show up and chop
veggies or put sandwiches together or stir the soup or chili, or what ever is
planned. Your teammates have all replied to their email /
phone reminders in advance so you know who is out of town that week, who
can come early to prep, who can stay late to wash pots and pans.
You do this all not as a chore but with joy in your heart,
because you are in a ministry. It is our lunch ministry and we are happy
to do this for each other. This month I cook and feed you, next
month, you will cook and feed me. We trust each other that there will be
lunch. You are nourishing your friends. Our church has opened
its doors and new people want to visit us because we are kind, forthright,
open, fun-loving, and our food is delicious. The food tastes great
because your joy has sent its very vibration into the food.
Logistics: Contributions Free Will
Donations would fund the program so that shoppers are reimbursed,
however, food is not withheld based on ability to pay. Generosity
encouraged. The team leader /co-leader would take ownership of the
email / phone reminders and let the team know how many hands will be
on deck. The spirit is playful. We will cook to uplifting music.
And our Joy of Lunch Ministry will be Fun, Nutritious, and Uplifting for all
This month we are busy with after church activities; Annual
Wachusett Hike and the guest speaker after church. Before
we head off in different directions, we will nourish ourselves with nutritious
food that we can eat here or take away to the hike. Brown bags will
be provided to this. Please join us as we begin our Joy of
Lunch Ministry here at First Unitarian Church of Worcester.
In The Service of All,
Deborah Veroneau