Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Contributions to Haiti

Our congregation offered our collection last Sunday to help in the restoration of Haiti. And you were generous. Our current total is $3,918.20. We will be sending this money to the UU Service Committee, and along with contributions from our fellow UU's, these monies will all go to direct relief in Haiti. (it is not too late to contribute, just make out the check to First Unitarian, and fill in Haiti at the bottom of the check where it says "for".)

I received a poignant note from one of our generous contributors , which accompanied his check. I believe Henry speaks for all of us, as we do what we can.

"Dear Rev. Merritt,

The present calamity to befall this ravaged land is truly staggering in its magnitude of death and destruction. This earthquake is a cataclysm, of truly Biblical proportions. I have been told that the near-total destruction of Haiti's capital city, and financial heart is the greatest visitation of ruin of any major city since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945.This small gift is a token: one person has grasped the horror and grief of 3 million inhabitants of an already struggling city, and of the urgency of swift action to forestall an exponential surge in death, disease, and social collapse.

Yours Very Truly, Henry W. Keyes"

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