Our annual plant sale is just around the corner and to make it a success we need your divided plants. In addition to all the lovely donations of plants that are so prolific in our area please consider also donating a division of that favorite plant of yours. The one that is so beautiful or different or unusual that is always receives many compliments. Some lucky parishioner will be pleased to have a part of your plant growing in their yard.
Pot your divisions up, label them and nurture them in anticipation of our sale.
Sale dates will be May 9, 16, and 23 this year. Please hold your plants until that time.
Supplies such as pots, trays and plant labels are available in the Memorial Garden.
For more information please contact Diane Mandile at 508-949-2469 or speak with any member of the gardening committee. Contact the church office at office@firstunitarian.com for email contact info for Diane.
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