Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Eve Ushers Needed
Monday, December 21, 2009
Post Holiday Schedule
Wheel of Life December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wheel of Life December 19, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
How to Print Out Parts of the Newsletter
It can be done.
(1) Go to the bottom of the newsletter. In the Box with the heading "For Mobile Phone users", there are the internet addresses for the blogs that contain all of the information that is in the newsletter.
It looks like this:
Minister's Memo: http://firstunitarianworcestermemos.blogspot.com/
Parish News: http://firstunitarianworcesternews.blogspot.com/
Faith Development: http://lifespanfaithdevelopment.blogspot.com/
UU Sisterhood: http://firstuusisterhood.blogspot.com/
Click on one of those URL's and you will be taken to the blog that has all those news stories.
2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page. There you will find:
Subscribe to: Posts (atom)
Click on it. You will be taken to a neatly formatted and compact listing of all the stories of the week.
3. You can print out that summary, through the print function of your browser.
4. Each blog must be printed out separately.
Among Ourselves December 19, 2009
Monday Night At The Church December 21, 2009
Monday Night At the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come Be with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary!
Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Circle Suppers
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Congratulations to the Waugh Family Farm
Among Ourselves December 12, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Special Christmas Collections - Outreach

Donate to the Mitten Tree for mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves in all sizes, or to the Stocking for warm socks and thermal underwear in adult sizes.
For many years, First Unitarian Church has participated in a collaborative effort with the Department of Children and Families (formerly DSS) to provide asked-for presents for children in foster-home care. You can make a child's wish come true by being a Secret Santa: Purchase an asked-for gift, wrap it and include a gift tag with the child's name, and bring it to the church for pick-up by DCF in time for Christmas. For more information, contact Liz Gustavson at (508) 852-0814.
Hanging of the Greens

Wheel of Life December 12, 2009
Monday Night At the Church December 13, 2009
Monday Night, December 14th, our 3rd program in our Advent series will consider "The Gift of Music". Come to sing carols, and to explore why the sacred and the secular music of this season has such a hold on us. Led by Rev. Merritt and Rev. Schade. All are welcome. We begin at 730 pm in the chapel.
Monday Night At the Church begins at 530 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come Be with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary!
The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends' fellowship dinner at 630 p.m.
Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Monday, November 30, 2009
The First Advent Candle: Hope.
Hope is expressed differently by different people. There are the hopeful (glass half full) like my husband and the hopeless (glass half empty) like myself. And a lot of us tend to hang out on the fence . . . teetering . . . balancing between the two.
There are those that would say GOD gives us “hope” and that with no “hope” certainly there would be no joy. And so “hope” is often interpreted as “faith.” Some use these words interchangeably.
Our family subscribes to the idea of “hope” as a faith. A faith in being . . . and not just in being . . . but in doing. Each moment is an opportunity. If we do and act in that moment in such a way that promotes kindness, compassion and meaning we have fulfilled a hope of betterment. Not in a specific or personal betterment or in a specific goal, but in a broader betterment . . . of how our actions are received and passed on in the universe.
So I light our first advent candle with the hope that we each and every one of us positively “do” in the moment. May the universe carry your positive energy forward and disperse it where it’s needed most.
Wheel of Life December 5, 2009
Advent Series December 7, 2009
Christmas has been celebrated in our culture as a time when we offer gifts to one another. But are we conscious of the real and lasting gift that is our own life? Are we aware of how we bless the world, help our neighbor and make a difference? This Advent Series, led by Rev. Merritt and Rev. Schade, will ask us to take a spiritual inventory, and to consider the many ways that we are uniquely called to give, and to receive. Our Monday Night At The Church series will be held at 7:15 -8:30 p.m., starting on November 30th, and will be held through December 21. The second in the series on December 7th is: "The Gift of Christmas Poetry." You are welcome to attend any or all sessions.
Monday Night At the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come Be with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary!The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends' fellowship dinner at 6:30 p.m.Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Christmas Outreach Opportunities

Two small, but very meaningful projects, require care in December. If you'd like to volunteer, please talk to Rev. Schade or Rev. Merritt. First: The Mitten Tree. Job Description: Encourage members and friends to contribute children's mittens, scarves, and knit hats, to decorate our Bancroft Christmas tree. And then when schools starts up again in January, deliver them to the Elm Park School. Second: Long underwear. Encourage members and friends to fill our Christmas stockings in the Bancroft Room with what the poor and the homeless most desperately need long underwear, especially in large sizes. After January 4th take the men's to the Vet Shelter, and the women's to the Salvation Army or Abby's House. You can do this work with friends, just let us know if we can rely on you to carry the Christmas spirit out into the community.
December At First Unitarian Church

“Christmas Memories” Concert
7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Featuring Maria Ferrante, soprano and Will Sherwood, piano, pipe organ. (Homemade Christmas cookies and fresh apple cider reception to follow the concert.)
Sermon: “A Somewhat Desperate Need for New Hope.”
Preaching: Rev. Barbara Merritt
Liturgist: Rev. Thomas Schade
Green Christmas Coffee Hour in Unity Hall. There will be good food, family-friendly holiday preparations, and opportunities to make donations of time and money to the church and other worthy causes.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Advent Series: “The Poetry of Christmas”
7:15 p.m. in the Chapel.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Pageant Sunday
Hanukkah Party Coffee Hour in Unity Hall. (Latkes! Games!)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Music Sunday
Monday, December 21, 2009
All Church Christmas Potluck
6:30 p.m. in the Dining Room. Hosted by the Advent Series participants.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Both services are identical.
Preaching: Rev. Barbara Merritt and Rev. Thomas Schade
(We could use some more ushers and greeters. Please call the church 508-757-2708 if you can help.)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Church service has been cancelled this Sunday due to the shortfall in the 2009 pledge campaign. First Unitarian Church will be closed from December 26, 2009 through January 2, 2009. This includes the December 27th service, the church office and all activities at the church.
Sunday, January 3, 2009
Sermon: “Ring the Fuller Minstrel In: The New Year Calls to Us.”
Preaching: Rev. Thomas Schade
Liturgist: Rev. Barbara Merritt
Green Christmas Coffee Hour This Week
Among Ourselves December 5, 2009
Attention: Floral Designers and Christmas Decorators
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday Night At The Church November 30, 2009
"The Gifts You Bring" Christmas has been celebrated in our culture as a time when we offer gifts to one another. But are we conscious of the real and lasting gift that is our own life? Are we aware of how we bless the world, help our neighbor and make a difference? This Advent Series, led by Rev. Merritt and Rev. Schade, will ask us to take a spiritual inventory, and to consider the many ways that we are uniquely called to give, and to receive. Our Monday Night At The Church series will be held at 7:15 -8:30 p.m., starting on November 30th, and will be held through December 21. The first in the series on November 30th is: "Complex, Crazy-making, Wonderful, Terrible Gifts."
You are welcome to attend any or all sessions.Monday Night At the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come Be with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary!
The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends' fellowship dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Wheel of Life November 28, 2009
Chapel Holiday Exhibit

Holiday Stressbuster
As taught by Yogi Bhajan
Saturday December 12, 2009
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
90 Main Street
State Street upper level parking lot and entrance into Unity Hall
Please wear comfortable clothing,
bring a blanket and mat if possible, and water, and a sitting pillow
Light refreshments will be served
Anonymous Sliding Scale donation $1 to $50
ALL proceeds will be donated to the Worcester County Food Bank
No prior yoga experience is needed! This is the yoga of awareness. There will be breathwork, a yoga set, a deep relaxation and a meditation. You will leave feeling renewed!
Andrea Rigiero (Shiv Antar) and Diane Pingeton (Hari Kirin)
are certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers. They will collaborate for this third annual event for your health and enjoyment
For more information, or to pre-register,
please contact Diane at 508-753-1797
“You must leave your limitations and use all methods to raise your consciousness. If you understand kundalini, you understand the whole universe. It is your existence. It is the power in you through which you make your mind expand” -Yogi Bhajan
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Green Christmas Coffee Hour
Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday Night At The Church November 23, 2009
The Monday Night Book Club is celebrating First Unitarian's 225th anniversary by reading about our history. This week is the third session with Walter King's book, "The Fruits of Our Labors". Please read from page 141 to 254 for this session. If it seems that people are interested and willing to read, we'll go on to some sermons and other writings of our ministers after finishing the book.
Monday Night At the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come Be with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary!
The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends' fellowship dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wheel of Life November 14, 2009
The Subject is PECANS!
Again this year, the First U Garden Committee is selling these super fresh nuts with all profits to benefit our church grounds. So, pecan pie lovers look for them to be available after the worship service on the next four Sundays -- just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The one pound bags will sell for $10 and they make great gifts, as well as year-round hostess presents.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Nonviolent Solutions in Worcester and the World: It's Time!
Members of our Peace Committee, Bill Densmore and Marj and Paul Ropp, have been working for the past year to establish the Center for Nonviolent Solutions here in Worcester. Congressman James McGovern and Washington journalist Colman McCarthy recently spoke at the Worcester Public Library to launch the Center. At Religion In Our Times on November 22nd at 12:00 noon in the Chapel, Bill, Paul and Marj will briefly introduce the mission of the Center and lead a discussion of its goals and purposes.
Among Ourselves November 14th
Coffee House
Friday, Nov. 13th
Unitarian Universalist Church Of Worcester
90 Holden Street
$5 per ticket
Tickets available at door
20+ Fantastic Acts
(from UUCW and First Unitarian +more)
Brought to you by the UUCW Youth Group
This could be your Lucky Night!!
questions? Contact Robin Caracciolo -robin.caracciolo@gmail.com
Christmas Concert - Save the Date!
FRIDAY DECEMBER 4th 2009 at 7:30PM
First Unitarian Church
Worcester’s renowned soprano, Maria Ferrante, and keyboard artist, Will Sherwood, will present a unique Christmas Musical Event to benefit Jericho Road Worcester, a newly formed organization that matches volunteers with skilled and professional talents to non-profit organizations that need them, within the Greater Worcester area.
This concert will prove exciting as the musicians premiere newly uncovered repertoire gems and present an array of fresh musical arrangements, along with Christmas favorites.
Ferrante and Sherwood also launch their new CD, Christmas Memories, with this program. Hailed as the musicians' musicians, Ferrante and Sherwood display a rare blend of exquisite technique and emotion that connects with the holiday spirit of the listener. CDs will be on sale after the concert or online at www.Christmas-Memories.us.
A Christmas cookie and hot cider reception will immediately follow the concert. Free to attendees.
Concert Tickets are $10 (adults), and $5 (Sr./students), with a maximum of $25 (per family) at the door. For more information, contact Mary Frandsen at 508-852-8122
Green Christmas Event
That's the theme of this year's Green Christmas event, scheduled for Dec. 6th after the service. Come and join us for an hour of traditional holiday-themed family activities. In addition, there will be service opportunities for your family to help improve the church community and the greater community. If you are interested in helping with the event, please contact Stacey Hill at 508-799-0998.
Monday Night At The Church November 16, 2009
Come join us on Monday Night, November 16th, in the Bancroft Room for a delightful musical Monday led by Nancy Smith. Nancy will lead us in singalongs as we warm ourselves with a song in our hearts and a fire on the hearth. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity for community and entertainment.
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner. Come join us for a home cooked meal among good company. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday Night activities.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday Night At the Church November 9, 2009
The Monday Night Book Cub will celebrate 1st Unitarian's 225th anniversary by reading about our history. For the first three sessions we'll read Walter Kring's book "The Fruits of Our Labors". Please read up to page 140 for the second session. Most of you have copies, if not, a few will be available at the Welcome Table. If it seems that people are interested and willing to read, we'll go on to some sermons and other writings of our ministers after finishing the book. Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel.
Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Church Leadership Opportunities for 2010
The Lay Leadership Council:
Two new members are added to the Lay Leadership Council every year, each filling a 3-year post, so there are always 6 active members. This creative group works to maximize the role of our church community by identifying and facilitating programs that meet congregational needs and interests in a broad range of areas, like education, social interaction, community involvement and outreach. The Council also helps members match varied skills, interests, and passions with other members and resources needed to build an ever more vibrant and fulfilling spiritual community. Ellen O'Neall Waite is the 2009 chair, and can tell you more. If you are interested, please let a member of the Nominating Committee know (Priscilla Arbuckle, Kate O'Dell, Karen Reilly, or Sue Stafford).
The Nominating Committee:
While Nominating Committee members are always on the look-out for new and long-term members who show an interest in a deeper commitment to the work of the church, the real work of this committee takes place in the late fall, preparing a slate of candidates for the January Annual Meeting. It's a great committee for members who want learn the interests and skills of new and long-term members, and better understand the organization of the church. For 2010, the Nominating Committee is seeking 3 new members--each for a 3-year term--for a total of 5 members. These nominees are selected by the Prudential Committee; if you are interested, please talk to Liz Gustafson (moderator) or David Spanagel (Vice Moderator).
Chili Supper to Benefit Salifu Kamara
Tickets for the chili supper will be available after church this Sunday. Or call Paul Kelly at 508 792-9661. Tickets are $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for children, $25.00 for families. Seatings at 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., and 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sacred Writings November 1, 2009
Urgent Need
Welcome New Members
Monday Night At The Church November 2, 2009
Come join us on Monday night, November 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. in the Bancroft Room for the First Monday Poetry Series with the Worcester County Poetry Association. This month’s reader will be Beth Sweeney. Beth Sweeney, MFA, PhD, is a published poet and professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross where she specializes in detective stories, fairy tales, and Vladimir Nabokov.
For a sample of the poet's work go to: http://www.firstunitarian.com/PDF4Display/WCPASWEENEY_NOV2.pdf
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ Fellowship Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night activities.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Annual Thanksgiving Potluck

Monday Night At the Church October 26, 2009
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night events.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sacred Writings October 25, 2009
Interfaith Hospitality Network Families Arrive October 25th
Church Yard Cleanup -- Need Volunteers
Please join us to rake leaves. Bring a rake and, if you have one, a tarp for transporting leaves to the compost pile; and bring whatever lunch you will need. If you have any questions or wish to find out whether or not the event will be canceled because of weather, call Peter Gray, 508-753-1797, or his cell 508 740-7968.
Thank You from Worcester County Poetry Association
Dear Ms. Gustavson,
As the publicist of the Worcester County Poetry Association, I would like to extend our gratitude to your Board of Directors for the use of the Bancroft Room for our Annual Poetry Contest Winners' Reading event on Sunday.
We were welcomed by Jay and found it a wonderful venue for our event, spacious and well appointed with luxurious furniture of period note. We appreciate your generosity, especially after losing the library last month.
Thank you greatly for your hospitality.
Anne Marie Lucci
Vice President/Publicist/W.C.PA.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
225th Anniversary Activities
Wouldn’t it be a great idea to invite descendants of early church members to our 225th anniversary celebration on March 21, 2010? Well, we will have to find them. Many names of early church members are noted in Walter Kring’s book “Fruits of Our Labors”. If you are interested, please speak with Jim Dolan or call ( 508-757-2708) /email (office@firstunitarian.com) the church office for contact information
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wheel of Life October 17, 2009
Sacred Writings October 18, 2009
Monday Night At The Church October 19, 2009 Scenes from the Waugh Family Farm
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome to any or all of the Monday night events.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sacred Writings October 11,2009
New Chaplains and a Worship Associate
It is our congregants who come to the ministers with reports of "good works" and kindness extended to them by the laity. If you have someone to recommend, (and we get similar reports from others,) then we are pleased to formally recognize their important contribution.
Center for Nonviolent Solutions - Launch Event
Worcester Public Library, Saxe Room
Free and Open to the Public
In response to the growing community interest in acquiring skills for conflict resolution, and access to educational resources in peace, conflict, and nonviolence studies, the new Center for Nonviolent Solutions (CNVS) will launch on Saturday, October 17. The event includes appearances by Congressman James McGovern, and by Colman McCarthy, nationally known journalist and lecturer, and the announcement of a community survey on the subject of nonviolence. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information visit www.nonviolentsolution.org or call Paul and Marj Ropp at 508-752-8373.
Thank You From Tom
Mayor's Breakfast - Daybreak Breakfast
The Mayor's Interfaith Prayer Breakfast:
October 13, 2009
Beechwood Hotel 7:00 AM
Clementina M. Chery, Keynote Speaker
Daybreak Breakfast
YWCA Program on Domestic Violence
October 19, 2009
Holy Cross Hogan Center 7:00 AM
Attorney General Martha Coakley, Keynote Speaker
If you would like to represent our church at either of these breakfasts, contact Rev. Schade
Monday Night At the Church October 12, 2009
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner. Come join us for a home cooked meal among good company. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Yard Sale Success
Wheel of Life October 10, 2009
Our deepest sympathy to Katherine Kowaloff whose mother, Mary Bibly died in Illinois on October 1st at the age of 95.
Citizen Diplomacy in Your Own Home
Pictorial Directories at the Membership Table
Autumn Happenings In Our Gardens
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Church Yard Sale This Saturday, October 3rd

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday is our yard sale! We’re counting on a successful sale to help balance the Church’s 2009 budget. We need stuff to sell and volunteers to help!
Donations: Clean out your attic and garage! Make room in your closets and cupboards! If it’s useful, bring it in! We cannot accept items that would cost money for disposal (old TVs, computer monitors, mattresses, etc) but almost anything else can go into the sale. You can drop things off Sunday, September 27, or from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday October 1 and Friday Oct 2. ITEMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ON THE DAY OF THE YARD SALE, OCT 3rd.
Clothing Tools
Dishes and glasses Kitchen utensils
Lamps Sports equipment
DVDs and CDs Books
Smaller Furniture Vases
Picnic Tables Lawn furniture
Toys Bicycles
Radios CD players
Knicknacks Garden things
And anything else that could be useful!
Please make sure your item is clean, in working order, and please place a price tag on it with your suggested price. We’re going to sort and mark everything and welcome your suggestions!
Consignments: Do you have some things that are more valuable than the usual yard sale offerings, that you’d like to sell and make a little money for yourself as well as the Church? Bring them, marked with a price (and a reserve price in case we need to bargain). We’ll put on a special label, sell them for you, and return to you 80% of the proceeds. BUT we need you to plan to stop by after Church on October 4 and retrieve anything that did not sell.
Rent a Table: Do you want to sell your own stuff? Or sell crafts? For a $25 contribution to the Church, we’ll give you a table. You keep all your proceeds.
And Please Volunteer!
Set Up and Marking. This will be Thursday, October 1, and Friday, October 2, in Unity Hall, from 5:00 until 8:00 or so. We need to help unload cars, set up tables, sort and organize stuff, and price and mark it. Come an hour or the entire evening!
Selling. We need cashiers, runners, and helpers from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 3. Actually, we need the first shift to show up at 8:00 a.m. to open up and to deal with the inevitable early birds who come to yard sales. We’d like you to commit for 2-hour shifts – but you can stay longer if you want! We really want to have 3-4 people available at all times.
And then on Sunday, October 4, there will be a “make me an offer” opportunity to sell anything that’s left over. We need a couple of people before and after Church.
Advertising. We’re advertising the yard sale in the newspapers and on the Church website, and we’re coordinated with Wesley Methodist which is holding a yard sale on the same day. But there’s no such thing as “enough” advertising. Take a flyer, and post it on your bulletin board at work or in the grocery store. Send flyers to friends – through the postal service or by e-mail. Get the word out! The more people who come, the more successful the yard sale will be.
Please see Joonu Coste or John Mirick to sign up as a volunteer. We have some coverage for everything, but coverage is a little skimpy in a couple of times. With lots of volunteers this will be a fun project!
225th Anniversary News
First Unitarian Church will celebrate its 225th anniversary in 2010. Event planning to honor this milestone is underway. One way YOU can get involved is with 225 ACTS OF KINDNESS. If you did not get a little "acts of kindness" notebook at the Opportunity Fair, stop by the Welcome Table and pick one up. Here's how it works. Just mark down 225 individual acts of kindness in your little book during our celebration year. What you mark down can be just a number, date or the specific act of kindness. The act can be anything from picking up a piece of trash, letting a car in ahead of you, relieving your spouse of a chore, sending a check to charity, etc. The idea is to be aware, take note and mark your book. So, if 225 people complete 225 acts of kindness, that’s 50,625 good deeds, done as a gift for and in celebration of First Unitarian Church’s 225th Anniversary. It might be fun to share your entries with family members. Children can participate too!
225th Anniversary Theme Ideas
We are looking for a theme to capture the spirit of our church’s 225th Anniversary Year. What has sustained us so far, what will sustain us for another 225 years? We are asking you to help us by posting your brief theme idea on a 3"x5" card to be found on the Welcome Table in the Bancroft Room. Or you can email them to office@firstunitarian.com
Monday Night At the Church October 5, 2009
For a sample of the poets work go to http://www.firstunitarian.com/PDF4Display/WCPA_OCTOBER_5_BROADSIDE.pdf
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! The centerpiece of MNATC is of course Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner. Come join us for a home cooked meal among good company. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome.
Wheel of Life October 3, 2009
FPN is Back!
FPN welcomes all children and adults who care about people in need, including homeless "people" of all species, endangered species, and those adversely affected by damage to the environment.
Sacred Writings Oct. 4, 2009
Bible As Literature
Circle Suppers
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Meet the Minister
10th Anniversary Celebration of Tom Schade's Ministry at First U
Please come and celebrate with us the Rev. Tom Schade’s tenth year of ministry at First Unitarian. There will be great food and a bit of a “roast.” We hope to see you.
Multi-generational Peace Vigil
In honor of the annual UN International Day of Peace, we invite you to participate in a Peace Vigil at the Holden Street UU Church. This event features music by the Unitonians and the joint teen choir, singing for all ages, a story, quiet meditation, and lotus blossoms with promises of peace floated in pools on the front lawn. The evening will conclude with candles held high around the Peace Pole. Don’t miss a most extraordinary opportunity to participate in this circle of peace. We welcome families and children as well as friends and neighbors of all ages from the Worcester community.
-from the First Unitarian Peace Group
225th Anniversary Happenings
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Among Ourselves
Abbie Bennett, granddaughter of Roz Bennett, married Richard Raeke in a ceremony on Chebeague Island in Maine on Saturday, September 19th. Rev. Schade presided.
Jericho Road Worcester Seeks Skilled Volunteers
· A health and social services agency for poor families needs to standardize some of their operating procedures. This nonprofit could benefit from a volunteer who can research and write documentation in a timely manner.
· A conservation organization needs someone with marketing/fundraising expertise to help them re-assess and expand their outreach to the Worcester community. The organization has a great “brand” and a dynamic leader ready to get to work on what promises to be a creative project.
· A database expert can make a huge impact in a short time, helping an affordable housing nonprofit improve their fundraising database; coaching them on how run queries and reports.
· Nonprofit leaders work grueling hours to keep their organizations solvent and accountable to their missions. Many would appreciate occasional coaching from professionals who can help them sort out a thousand ideas, concerns, and initiatives; helping them to stay strategic in their planning and encouraging them to take care of themselves.
If you would like to add your professional skills to the JRW roster, or if you know of a local nonprofit that can benefit from JRW, please contact Deborah Wild, Program Director at dwild@jerichoroadproject.org, 617-633-9939. (Note: check out the JRW website at www.jerichoroadproject.org and watch a YouTube™ video of interviews with Jericho Road volunteers who rave about their experiences.)
Monday Night At the Church
Monday Night at the Church begins at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. Come BE with us in the intimate silence - no experience necessary! Come join us for a home cooked meal among good company. Childcare is available every Monday night. All are welcome.
Worcester Interfaith Beggar's Bowl
The Beggar’s Bowl, a fund-raiser sponsored by Worcester Interfaith, will be held on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at First Baptist Church, 111 Park Ave., Worcester, MA from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. All are invited to come and enjoy a hearty, homemade soup served in a hand-thrown stoneware bowl that is yours to keep at the end of the evening. Donation: $50, fully tax deductible. For tickets or more information, call Frank Kartheiser at (508) 754-5001.
Winning Poets
Sacred Writings
Bus Trip to New York City
See the NYC trip facebook page.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Opportunity Fair for Youth and Adults
The Lay Leadership Council is hosting the Annual Opportunity Fair on September 20th during fellowship hour featuring all the groups and committees in the church.
Come! Don’t miss this chance to discover all the ways to be known and to know others in our church. There will be a light lunch of sandwiches provided.
Learn! Browse the “menu” of over twenty opportunities to get involved in our church community and in the broader community as well.
Sign-up! Select the group for you and sign-up. And if you don’t see a group that interests you – share your idea at the “Post-your-Interests” area where all ideas are welcome!
If you have a group and would like to host a table at the fair please contact Mary McAllister through the church office.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Church Yard Sale October 3
Reminder - October 3rd - Yard Sale and Kids Safety Fair!
Yes it is a bit ambitious - but the payoff will be a great family-oriented event to raise needed funds for First Unitarian! We will run our sale in coordination with Wesley Methodist. John Mirick and Joonu Coste are co-coordinating this event. Please connect with either of us with your ideas and to volunteer!
First - We need volunteers for this undertaking.
Please let us know if you can help out. My promise to you - this will be fun and highly rewarding!
ITEM PRICING - (2 people) help with items that are donated to assess pricing - experienced "antiquers" and yard sale aficionados wanted. Est. 5 hours of work over September.
MARKETING/ADVERTISING - (2 people) help with ID of opportunities to get the word out about the yard sale and create ad-copy. Est. 5 hours over September.
ITEM ORGANIZATION - (Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st) - (8 people) help organize items and set up for yard sale - camaraderie, music, and yummy food!! - Est 3 hours per shift / 2 shifts)
CASHIERS/RUNNERS - (10 people) day of yard sale - will receive training for cashier position - 2-hour shifts on day of yard sale. No lifting.
Second - We need stuff to sell!
Here are the ways you can participate and help make this a successful fundraiser.
DONATIONS - Clearing the clutter from your home? Moving? Downsizing? Save your items and bring them to church with you in September for donation to the church yard sale. There will be drop-off points in the church for collection starting September 13th. We request that item donations are clean, in working order, and that you tag and price each item. We will not be accepting items that cost money for disposal (i.e. computer monitors, mattresses, etc...). Additionally, we will not be able to accept items that require two people to move them.
CONSIGNMENT - We will also sell items at the yard sale on consignment. These are items that will sell for $20 or more. Please contact the church office at office@firstunitarian.com for more information.
CRAFTERS/VENDORS - Would you like to rent space at the yard sale for your business to set up a table to sell items? We offer this opportunity to First U members first. Please contact the church office at office@firstunitarian.com for more details.
KID'S SAFETY FAIR - Working in coordination with the RE Committee and Lay Leadership, we will offer Kid's ID kits with fingerprinting by the Worcester police and photos - by donation - as well as some fun games and activities for kids. We are looking for volunteers to help out that day with this. Interested? Please connect with Sierra-Marie, our RE Director or Joonu Coste.
Thanks to the Court Hill Singers
With great appreciation for your participation, Jerry Bellows.
Kundalini Yoga in the Chapel
225th Anniversary Theme Ideas
Church Spruce Up
Wheel of Life
Sunday Morning Experience
I am also seeking individuals who would be willing to be called on when there is a need for hospitality on a given Sunday morning (e.g., no sign up, special celebration). My goal is to limit the number of times one would be called upon, but it would be nice (and easy) for me to work from a list of interested folks.
If any of this speaks to you, please email the church (office@firstunitarian) or stop by the Hospitality Table during the Opportunity Fair on Sunday, Sept. 20th. You can also catch me (if you can) at church, and there are signup sheets posted in the Dining Room.
Thank you!
Susan M Anderson
Chair, Hospitality
UU Sisterhood Fall Schedule
Friday, September 25 – Potluck, Ice Breakers, Group Game
with sisters from the Holden St. Church.
Friday, October 16 – Potluck, Show and Tell
Friday, November 20 – Potluck, Quick and Easy Craft, Thankful theme
Friday, December 18 – Potluck, Cookie Swap, Yankee Swap
Circle Suppers
Bible Study
Green From the Garden Committee Green Exchange
Music Program Wish List
Music Program Wishlist
With tightened budgets and increased requests of the staff, we are seeking your help to support the quality of our program throughout the church year. Please take a moment to look at our “shopping list” – these are volunteer tasks and donations that you may be interested in contributing for.
Open Choir Loft Sunday - Singers Wanted
Plug in Your Vocal Cords!
Wanted: singers for Open Loft Sunday(Sep 20) and
Gospel Mass (All Souls Sunday, Nov 1).
Experience the ecstasy of music-making!
No auditions needed.
Rehearsals: Thursdays 7-9pm, Bancroft Room.
Pictorial Directories
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
225th Anniversary Theme Ideas
We are looking for a theme to capture the spirit of our church’s 225th Anniversary Year. What has sustained us so far, what will sustain us for another 225 years? We are asking you to help us by posting your brief (no more than seven words or so) theme idea on a 3"x5" card to be found on the Welcome Table in the Bancroft Room. We will be collecting ideas over the summer during lay services. Or you can email them to the church office. If you like, add your name so we can acknowledge your contribution. The 225th Anniversary Committee will choose among the submissions.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan continues over the summer as listed in the summer events calendar. Now is the time to be kind to yourself! Please drop in anytime, or come to all. Each class is its own entity of breathwork, a yoga set, a deep relaxation and a meditation. Yoga quiets the mind so that meditation and merger can occur. No yoga experience or flexibility is required. Questions-please contact Diane Pingeton at dmpinge@townisp.com or 508-753-1797 or refer to the website kundaliniyogaforall.com also googles as Anahata yoga. Classes are from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the Chapel. We are transitioning to Tuesday nights this summer as listed in the calendar. Sat Nam!
Monday Night at the Church
MNATC: Summer Schedule
Monday Night at the Church is on its Summer Schedule. The centerpiece of MNATC, Ken Waugh and friends’ fellowship dinner, will continue at least through July. Please note, several of our kitchen regulars will not be available this summer, if you can help in the kitchen or bring food, it will be helpful. It has not yet been determined whether a prepared dinner will be served in August. However, at the very least, people will be welcome to bring their own, do potluck, or order out.
Please keep Ken Waugh in your thoughts and prayers as he faces his journey and struggle with cancer. We love you Ken.
The Worcester Zen Community continues to meet throughout the summer, (Zen never ends!), at 5:30 p.m. with an hour of Zen (meditation) practice in the Chapel. No experience is necessary. If you can breathe and sit still at the same time, you can practice Zen!
We will continue to have occasional programs on Monday evenings including music and movie nights.
Please note that childcare is not available during the summer. Please feel free bring your children, but you will need to arrange your own supervision.
Volunteer Wednesdays
Volunteer Wednesdays are held once a month on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. There are now “Facility Request” forms available at the church office and on the kiosk in the Dining Room. These multiuse forms can be used to report building and grounds problems around the church that we can use to create volunteer projects. An Email Volunteer List is being started to notify volunteers to the upcoming projects on Volunteer Wednesday. If you would like to be added to the list email me at GeeBeeY@aol.com.
Bob Shaw – Chair, Building and Grounds